Saturday, July 30, 2022

Iron Man, Asterios Polyp

Iron Man 16-17

I bought these issues less than six months ago, and my thoughts remain the same.  I’m also fine with not buying any more of the run.  I’m pretty sure these were the fun issues of the arc, the rest are most likely self-serious contemplations of the nature of absolute power, yadda yadda yadda.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Asterios Polyp

I had no memory of anything about this graphic novel by the legendary David Mazzucchelli before this re-read.  (By the way, for a legend, Mazzucchelli has a ridiculously short body of work.  I wish he’d do more.)  

I’m not sure how to react to this comic.  It’s the kind of “elevated literature” that attracts raving reviews from both the comics community and the mainstream media.  (Like Blankets.)  And it is good.  But like Craig Thompson’s slightly better masterpiece, it’s not the kind of thing that screams “Read me again!” to me.  I acknowledge its superiority to the kind of comic book that I generally prefer from a strict “work of art.”  But I like what I like, and I don’t apologize for my final rating of this.

As for the comic itself, it really is a work of art.  Mazzucchelli is a master of his craft.  This succeeds as a narrative, a demonstration of what comic book art can accomplish, and a philosophical discussion of the very concept of duality.

What a Dick Tracy face!

Love this visualization of two people connecting.

Great party question.

If only Stiffy knew.  And what growth on Asterios' part.

I have no idea what to make of the ending.  Am I supposed to take it literally?  What does it mean either way?  It’s certainly got me thinking, which is nice.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

That’s it for a short Marvel Box 13.  (I’d already reviewed most of the Bendis Avengers previously, as well as the Hawkeye issues.)

Box Summary

Time spent reading: 10 hours, 20 minutes

Issues read: 87

Issues cut: 5

Highlights (Good or better): Avengers 13-17; New Avengers 17-23; Defenders 1-10; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 6, 11; Blaze of Glory; Asterios Polyp

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 55 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes

Issues read: 11481

Issues cut: 1159

I’m down to around 1350 comics left to read.  Aside from the stuff I’ve bought since this project started, what remains is mostly the really good stuff - Sandman, Ultimate Spider-Man, New Frontier, Hitman, Preacher, Punisher…It’s hard to know what to read next.  I can pick off some of the random comics here and there on the shelf, but not for much longer.  I’m leaning towards…man, I don’t know.  Maybe Ultimate Spider-Man.  That’ll be good for 300+ issues.  I’m almost positive I’m going to be ending this whole thing with Sandman

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