Monday, July 18, 2022

Blankets, New comics

New comics, I’ve got like three weeks of issues to catch up on.

Captain Carter 4

Vampires.  The bad guys are vampires.  Sigh.  I would have preferred a government conspiracy, I think.

Variants 1

Gail Simone and Phil Noto are a team that I can get behind.  I was intrigued by what kind of take they would have on Jessica Jones and parallel universes. 

Despite being one of the best villains ever, I really wish people could tell a Jessica Jones story without using Killgrave.  I’m so sick and tired of her being defined by that experience, as I’m sure she is as well.

The other aspect, with multiple Jessica Joneses, is a lot more promising.  I hope that’s the part Simone chooses to focus on.  (I’m already sighing in exasperation at the idea of multiple Purple Men…)

Iron Cat 1

A continuation of Jed MacKay’s Black Cat run.  Good, clean fun.  Come to think about it, it’s of the same vein as Kelly Thompson, another of the stellar writers at Marvel right now.


Captain Marvel 39

Speaking of which.  I used “stellar” just now, but the more I think about it, Thompson’s run on Captain Marvel has been undeniably positive, but ultimately disposable.  Not to say that I wouldn’t happily read it again, but it won’t linger in my mind for very long.  

Batman: Beyond the White Knight 4

Not as engaging as the previous series, but fun enough.  This appears to be a theme with all the new comics this today.

Seven Secrets 18

Wow, did this end poorly.  Something about a godlike being who divided his essence into the titular seven secrets.  Horcruxes, basically.  Blech.  I should have gone with my original instinct to stop buying this.  I’m disappointed by this outing from Tom Taylor.  He’s done way better.  

Batman/Catwoman 12

Another rare misfire from an exceptional Tom.  I hope the re-read proves differently, but this has been a completely pointless series from the beginning.  Was this how Tom King originally planned to end his Batman run?  Such a bummer.  

Batman: Killing Time 5

At least I got a much better Tom King Batman story this week.  King’s description of the massive shootout in the park is a masterclass in narration.

Five pages of this, and I could have used more.


I haven’t looked at Craig Thompson’s magnum opus in years, but my feelings this time around are exactly the same as my previous readings; This may be the best thing I’ve ever read when it comes to depicting the euphoria of first love, the sheer joy of emotionally connecting with someone, and the intoxicating thrill of every physical interaction - that first touch, first kiss, first everything.  It’s something that can never be experienced again, is never quite the same again.  It’s absolutely magical.

First touch.

First kiss.

First time sleeping together.

The magic of watching her sleep.

Would I be so understanding?

You never know when it'll be the last time you see her.

The best description of this I've ever read.

I wish that the comic didn’t start with an unbearable mix of bullies, horrible parents, child molesters, and rigid Christians.  But the contrast is needed to further accentuate the impact of Craig’s relationship with Raina.  

The ending of their romance is as abrupt as it is unexpected.  There’s no way it was going to work.  But that doesn’t diminish the potency of the memory or the relationship.  That kind of thing is a formative experience, something that will never be forgotten.  

Yeah, this one hits home.  Obviously.  


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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