Saturday, July 9, 2022

Courtney Crumrin

Courtney Crumrin 1-10

A nice rebound from the previous few arcs.  Courtney meets Holly, the Courtney-lite new girl in town who alternates between friend and foe.  Then she battles the short-sighted council of magic and a manipulated Uncle Aloysius.  

It’s all pretty repetitive.  It seems like Courtney’s always doing the same few things - Dealing with her loneliness and a love/hate relationship with her peers, getting into trouble in Goblin Town, coming into conflict with members of town hatching nefarious plans, and getting bailed out by Uncle A.  

But the execution is better than previously, and Ted Naifeh’s art remains perfect for the title.  I’m definitely done w/ the title, though.  It looks like Naifeh’s done some follow up stories w/ Uncle A’s re-discovered brother, now returned as Courtney’s little brother in a Dawn-From-Buffy scenario.   I won’t be picking those up.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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