Friday, July 15, 2022

True Story Swear to God

True Story Swear to God 7-13

Tom and Lily get married at Disneyland.  If only they lived happily ever after :(  

The series ends an issue later where Beland discusses his erectile dysfunction.  Again, I’m most impressed by his frank openness, this time with what can be a very embarrassing medical condition.  Good for him in destigmatizing it.

I can’t remember or find a reason why True Story abruptly ends there.  Something to do with the tremors in his hand?  The end of his relationship with Lily?  Whatever it is, the comic world is the poorer for it.  It greatly saddens me that Beland is back in Napa Valley, alone, working part time in a comic shop, struggling with depression, and no longer drawing comics on a regular basis.  I hope he gets back on his feet someday.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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