Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Princess Ugg, True Story Swear to God

Princess Ugg 1-8

Ted Naifeh loves writing about young girls trying to figure out their place in the world.  With Courtney Crumrin, Polly Pringle, and now Princess Ulga, he’s three for three in smashing it out of the park.  Ulga is the classic fish out of water who’s able to learn new tricks without relinquishing her identity and what makes her unique.  Yet another Naifeh book that I will no doubt share with my daughter.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

True Story Swear to God: 100 Stories

A collection of the page-length strips that Tom Beland did over the years.  Not as good as the main comic series, but it’s a nice platform for him to develop his voice.  He does particularly well with the sentimental strips about his parents.  Looking forward to the beginning of the full comic tomorrow!

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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