Friday, December 23, 2022

That Texas Blood

That Texas Blood 1-6

Re-reading this because I’m on vacation and I didn’t want to lug my Sandman singles around.  These trades are a lot better for traveling.  

Given that I first read this less than a month ago, it still holds up well; I wasn’t bored or anything like that.  But this is less of a mystery than a “stupid people doing stupid things” crime story, and it’s hard to care when pretty much everyone but the protagonist is acting like an idiot.  There’s no real tension when it’s inevitable that the culprits are going to get caught.  

The craft by Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips is top-notch, but the subject fails to captivate me.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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