Friday, December 16, 2022


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Sandman 25

The really-not-enjoyable “British schoolboy gets killed by dead bullies because Lucifer quit Hell” story.  Even worse than “Facade.”

Rating: Disliked

Sandman 26-28

The rest of Season of Mists.  Not quite as good as the first half, mostly due to the literal Deus Ex Machina that solves Dream’s problem for him.  

I want more of this story...

...two soulmates who meet in dreams but then wake up.

I laughed.  And never read Marvel's Thor the same way again.

Sunsets are definitely one of the things that suggest the existence of God.

Rating: Really good

Sandman 29-30

Thermidor: The one where Johanna Constantine rescues Orpheus.

August: The one where Emperor Augustus masquerades as a beggar for a day.  Both are decent enough, but nowhere near the top end of the Sandman spectrum.

Rating: Pretty good

Sandman 31

Three Septembers and a January: Emperor Norton!  He was a real person, and that fact makes this story all the more delightful.  

Rating: Good

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