Monday, December 19, 2022


Sandman 38-40

Sandman Special 1

A bunch of single-issue stories of various qualities.

The Hunt: A very well-told story with an endearing wrapper.

Soft Places: A pointless story involving Marco Polo getting trapped in the desert.  I’ve never liked it.

Parliament of Rooks: A slightly less pointless story made better by Jill Thompson’s art and her depiction of Daniel and Lil’ Death and Dream.

Song of Orpheus: A straight up retelling of the Orpheus myth, with some Endless thrown in.  Nothing standout, but it’s really well executed.  Bryan Talbot is a great artist.

So cruel.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (38, Sandman Special 1); Didn’t suck (39); Nice (40)

Sandman 41-49

Brief Lives.  This is so freaking good.  Delirium didn’t really work for me previous to this arc, but combining her weirdness with Jill Thompson is a magical pairing.  

His moping is gold standard.  I model mine after his.

The first of many facepalms.

A wonderful three-page sequence with a poignant tag.

Beautiful prose.

I wish I could do this.

Dreaming about flying is the best.

Heh, that last panel...

Perfect drawing of Delirium by Thompson.

Last facepalm.

God, that's lovely.

I'm a little bit like this.

I love the change in inking style for the last two panels.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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