Saturday, December 17, 2022


Sandman 32-37

Game of You.  This has never been one of my favorite Sandman stories, but I have to admit that it’s always been very readable.  I didn’t not enjoy the time I spent on this.  

As scary of a sequence as I've ever read.

Thessaly's nonchalance is so badass.

Is this the same Barbara Wong as...

...the one from issue 7?

I'd like to read this story.

Neil Gaiman’s writing of Wanda, a transgender character handled with sensitivity at a time when that was a rarity, feels well-handled even today to my untrained eye.  

Go Wanda!  Also, George's face: Ew.

Nice that Death sees Wanda the way she wants.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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