Monday, December 5, 2022

New comics

New comics!

That Texas Blood 7-12

Joe Bob recounts a case from his past, involving a kidnapped girl, her murdered brother, and the Mayan death cult responsible for it all.  It’s certainly an amazingly well executed comic book by Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips, but it’s just not the kind of thing I’m in the market for.  This is more of a “borrow from the library to read once” title.  

Batman: One Bad Day: Mr Freeze

A nice take on the Mr Freeze origin story from Gerry Duggan and Matteo Scalera, but the real, unexpected star of this one-shot is Dick Grayson.  Duggan gives him all of the best moments, bringing a welcome exuberance to a tragic character.

Very spooky.

That grin is priceless.

Batmobile with winter treads is AWESOME.

Dream crushed.

Dream fulfilled.

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