Friday, December 16, 2022


Sandman 17-20

The Dream Country trade.  One-shots of various quality:

Calliope: A brilliant concept.  Muses are actual beings who can be harnessed for inspiration.  And by harnessed I mean imprisoned and repeatedly raped.  It’s horrible, but makes for an engrossing story.  

I can only think of Joss Whedon when I read this now.

I want to read that library story.

Dream of Thousand Cats: Another neat idea - If enough cats do it at the same time, they can dream a new reality into being, one where they’re the dominant species and humans are their playthings.  Well told.

Midsummer Night’s Dream: This is good and everything, and I love the original Shakespeare.  (I played Demetrius in sixth grade.)  But if I was going to give the World Fantasy Award for best short story to a Sandman issue, it certainly wouldn’t be this one.  “Sound of Her Wings” and “Men of Good Fortune” alone are better.  Still, this has its moments.  


Love the creepy art by Charles Vess.

Facade: I never want to re-read this.  It’s a depressing story and Colleen Doran’s art does nothing for me.  The rare swing-and-a-miss by Neil Gaiman.

Though this issue does give us this awesome panel.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good (17); Good (18); Pretty good (19); Didn’t suck (20)

Sandman 21-24

The first half of Season of Mists.  This is the first Sandman arc that’s consistently freaking good.  (Except for the interlude issue that’s coming up next…)  Gaiman subverts expectations wonderfully, getting me revved up for a massive conflict between Dream and Lucifer before pulling a switcheroo and giving me a long walk-and-talk followed by an extended negotiation.  I get what I need instead of what I want, and it’s better than anything I could have imagined.

This always cracked me up.

The first time I ever heard "by the by."  I love it.

I want a card to this library.

One of the few moments of humor in the series.

I'm down with this point of view.

Heh, psychic real estate.

I'm not a fan of this look by Kelley Jones, but I can't deny that it's iconic.

I love Thor's tiny hammer.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

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