Sunday, December 11, 2022


Sandman 1-2

I’m finally here.  Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.  For all intents and purposes, the last series in this long, glorious project of mine.  (Plus all the related comics: Death, Dream Hunters, etc.)  I’m probably going to take my sweet time with this one.  I’m reading the Absolute collections, and it’s a joy to see these issues with their oversized pages and crisp colors.  I’ve read all of these so many times, it’s very much like meeting up with an old friend.  I’m not sure how much I’ll have to say, but let’s see.

To be honest, I’m a little fatigued with the first issue.  Aside from the number of times I’ve read it, I’ve also experienced them relatively recently in their audio podcast and Netflix versions, as well as a podcast that reviewed an issue per episode.  (I stopped both podcasts after the first episode.  I watched the whole season on Netflix.)

Which isn’t to say that it’s not a classic.  Gaiman is still very much figuring out what he’s doing with the series (as he will for the next eight issues or so), and the art by Sam Keith can be rough at times.  But it’s still a great start, with an ending that haunted me the first time I read it.  (It’s still scary today.)

The second issue is definitely one of the weaker ones.  It’s a ton of setup, without much payoff.  On the plus side, we’re introduced to the stalwart Lucien, Cain and Abel, and the adorable Goldie. 

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (Nice for 2)

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