Wednesday, December 7, 2022


DCeased 1-6

DCeased: A Good Day to Die 1

My original feelings are confirmed.  (Well, not quite.  There’s an ineffable something that’s keeping it from the highest tier.)  I was breathless reading this, especially as the story comes to a climax.  Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine create so many brilliant little moments amidst the overarching narrative.  I’m so happy that this was popular enough to merit all of the follow ups.  

Ollie gets all the best lines in this series.

Cute Mister Miracle reference.

Lex's Batman line is a total humblebrag.

It's so hard to be a parent sometimes.

This confrontation blows my mind.

Poor Ollie.

Awesome splash by Trevor Hairsine.

So badass.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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