Saturday, November 26, 2022

Captain Marvel, New comics

New comics!

That Texas Blood 1-6

I bought this first trade off of the recommendation of the folks at iFanboy.  Plus, Image priced it at ten bucks to entice first time readers.  Totally worked on me.  

This isn’t bad at all.  It basically appears to be about the dark, seedy things that take place in a middle-of-nowhere town in Texas.  Crime, people who are stuck in town with zero prospects of a better life, etc.  It’s good, but I don’t know how re-readable it is.  Not sure if I’m going to pick up the second trade yet.  

Gotham City: Year One 2

The film noir starring Slam Bradley continues.  Tom King sets up the nice twist that Gotham City used to have a way lower crime rate than Metropolis.  Presumably the rest of the series will go into how that got turned around.  

King and Phil Hester are doing a nice job here, but it doesn’t help that Richard Wayne is an unreasonable asshat.

Captain Marvel 37-42

Binary replaces Lauri-Ell as the fish out of water in the title.  Which isn’t a bad thing, Kelly Thompson does a nice job with the humor.  The rest of the arc, where Carol’s being judged by an arcane tribunal because of her magical castration of Ove, is fine.  Things still haven’t reached the heights of the Lee Garbett issues.  

The Chewie issue (42), a tie-in with some Avengers/X-Men/Eternals crossover (Judgment Day), is a waste of time.

After reading all of these issues, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is an entertaining series, but nothing that I’m super eager to revisit.  I’m probably going to stick around for one more arc, then drop if things don’t get much better.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: No (Yes for 37)

Rating: Nice (Pretty good for 37, Didn’t suck for 42)

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