Sunday, December 4, 2022

Black Orchid

Black Orchid 1-3

Here we go, the Neil Gaiman stuff!  Whenever I think of Black Orchid, I’m always reminded of a story Gaiman told where his editor originally misheard his proposal as “Blackhawk Kid.”  British accent and all that. 

This is the earliest Gaiman work that I own.  It’s also one of the weakest.  While the art by Dave McKean is lovely in its usual ethereal, dreamlike manner, the story is a tedious “Who am I” journey of discovery for the titular character.  Gaiman fails to make me care about the plant creature with the memories of a human.  (Which was done way better by Alan Moore.  It doesn’t help Gaiman that Swamp Thing’s appearance is the best part of the series.)  

I’d read this again just for the art, but I’m not surprised that I’d forgotten everything about this comic from the last time I read it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Boring

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