Monday, December 19, 2022


World’s End.  Another mix of short stories of various quality. 

Ramadan: Fricking amazing.  P Craig Russell’s art has never looked better, and it’s perfect for this story.  

Rating: Really good

Tale of Two Cities: I love this story of a city that dreams, as well as the question that naturally follows:

Rating: Really good

Cluracan’s Tale: Bleh. John Watkiss brings an interesting stained-glass window look to the art, but the story underwhelms.

Rating: Fine

Hob’s Leviathan: Always good to see Hob again.  The story isn’t particularly standout, but the execution is flawless, and Michael Zulli’s splash page is quite impressive.

Rating: Good

Golden Boy: Prez.  I love this story.  It combines my love of American presidential history with the fantasy of a leader who actually has the best interests of his country at heart.  (It’s like West Wing.)

Rating: Pure joy

Cerements: An odd tale about a city focused on burial rituals.  It feels a little pointless except for the setup of Dream’s future funeral.

Rating: Nice

World’s End: Wraps everything up in an unspectacular way, even with the massive funeral procession.

Rating: Pretty good

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