Sunday, November 24, 2019

Star Wars: Tag and Bink, Star Wars: Legacy, New Comics

Having a baby means no time to write.  I’ve been okay about keeping up with the reading, but writing’s a whole other thing.  Really quickly, while she’s sleeping:

New comics!
Giant Days 1-4
I gave this a shot because someone over at AV Club has a massive thing for it.  Three women and their college adventures is definitely something that I’m interested in trying out, but there are too many wacky hijinks and not enough angst for me.  (Which says more about my own college adventures than the comic, I know…)

King Thor 3
Massive fight scene.  Fine for what it is, it’ll most likely read better all at once.  

Captain Marvel 12
Lee Garbett (of Skyward fame) is the only reason I got this issue.  It’s the beginning of an arc where Captain Marvel needs to kill the Avengers in 24 hours for some as-of-yet unrevealed reason.  I’ll read six (or whatever it ends up being) issues of Garbett drawing Carol versus the Avengers. For sure.  

DCeased 1-6
I bought this sweet hardcover off the recommendation of the iFanboy podcast, and it’s as good as they say.  I didn’t think another zombie-pocalypse Elseworlds would bring anything of value to my life, but this is so full of truly emotional feels and visceral action that I’m completely blown away.  Immediacy bias rates this at Pure Joy, will see what the re-read eventually brings.

Love this cover by Joshua Middleton.  The power, courage, despair, hopelessness...
Star Wars: Tag and Bink are Dead 1-2
Kevin Rubio of Troops fame wrote this, eliciting a buy-on-sight reaction from me when this first came out.  Troops went viral before it was a thing back when I was in college, and it’s still one of the best Star Wars parodies ever.  

The comic is really funny too, as Rubio Forrest Gump’s two Rebel soldiers into as many scenes from Episodes IV and V as he can.  A fun read.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

Star Wars: Legacy 1-31
Star Wars: Rebellion 15-16
I’m impressed that John Ostrander’s been able to keep my attention about a descendent of Luke Skywalker 125 years in the future for so many issues.  He recycles a lot of tropes (reluctant hero running from his past and destiny, a big bad Sith trying to tempt him over to the Dark Side, etc), but it goes to show how far combining a solid writer w/ the Star Wars IP can get you.  The art’s better than average whenever Jan Duurseema is at the drawing table, but once in a while you get fill-in clunkers like Alan Robinson. I feel bad bagging on him, but this panel belongs in something like Tag and Bink, not a serious Star Wars comic.

He seriously looks like a Muppet.  Can't fear a Muppet.
Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good to Nice as the series went on

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