Sunday, January 9, 2022

Aaron Thor

Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor 1

The second Generations title that I’ve reviewed.  And like the first, it’s entirely filler, despite being written by the regular series writer.  The two Thors fight Ancient Egypt-era Apocalypse in an complete waste of time.  Also, it turns out Odin had a fling with the Phoenix Force at some point in the far past?  Bleeeeech.  This is the kind of retcon shit that kept me from sticking with Jason Aaron’s Avengers.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Didn’t suck

Mighty Thor 22-23, 700

War Thor/Volstagg beats the crap out of some bad guys, then fights Thor for an issue before putting the hammer down in grief.  Not bad, but not one of the standout arcs.  Doesn’t help that Valerio Schiti does the art.  He’s perfectly fine, but he’s no Russell Dauterman.

Issue 700 is a jam session issue with more fill-in stories.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Mighty Thor 701-706

So very good.  Aaron and Dauterman end their run together in unforgettable form.  Things start off, however, with guest artist James Harren, who draws the heck out of Mangog beating the shit out of Volstagg.  It’s honestly painful to watch.  There’s a real momentum that builds with the thrashing, an Empire Strikes Back vibe that things are really about to fall apart for the heroes.  A nice appetizer for what’s to come.

I was thinking that Mangog looked awfully Sixties... I was hardly surprised to see he was created by Jack Kirby.  They really didn't alter his look at all.

Definitely Vader/Luke levels of pwnage.

Heh.  There are no hugs in hell.

Mangog continues to crush the denizens of Asgard for the next couple of issues, but the real drama is with the inner conflict of Jane Foster, as she’s torn between her desire to save everyone as Thor and the need to stay at home and continue her chemo.  It’s a terribly compelling dilemma - Fight to stay alive or go out in a blaze of glory?  The storytelling is so well done by the creative team.  Her internal struggle is laid bare on the page.

That last statement crushes my soul.

The final fight between Mangog and Thor/Odinson/Odin is almost incidental (obviously the good guys win). 

Asgardians are Klingons.

But the emotion in Jane’s sacrifice and the goodbye is heartachingly beautiful.  It’s a fitting farewell to this excellent Thor and a wonderful chapter in Jane’s life.  

What a gorgeous cover.

The joy on her face...

Such a wistful unmasking.  She's so at peace.

Of course she comes back to life.  But somehow the sacrifice doesn't lose any meaning.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla 1

Not nearly the epilogue the title or cover would have you think it is.  Instead, we get another filler issue with more disposable stories with Thor’s granddaughters and Malekith. 

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Didn’t suck

Thor 1

My original review says it all.  The art still turns me completely off.  (I didn’t buy any more of this run.)  Damn you, Mike Del Mundo, for breaking my run of Aaron Thor.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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