Thursday, January 27, 2022

Human Target, Losers

Human Target 17

Christopher Chance applies his talents to someone else, helping a woman in witness protection assume a new identity.  Of course, it reveals way more about Chance’s fucked up psyche than the woman’s.  And the ending has a nice sense of morbid closure.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Human Target 18

Blech.  Three punk kids take the law into their own hands, harassing Hindus in the name of protecting America from the Muslims after 9/11.  As do the cops, killing said Hindu because “he might have had a gun.”  Sigh.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

Human Target 19-21

The final arc of the series.  Peter Milligan brings it all the way back to the original miniseries as Tom McFadden returns.  I know I’ve said over the past couple of days that the better Target stories are the ones that play with multiple levels of identity past the first impersonation, but this one feels tired, almost lazy.  My response to the “who’s the real Christopher Chance” question is the same as Chance’s: Does it really matter?

What fascinates me more is the reaction of Mary.  Here’s a woman who’s already willingly hooked up with Chance while he was impersonating her murdered husband.  And then she stays with him after he reverts to his own face.  And now she transfers her affection to Tom because he plays a more affectionate and attentive Chance.  She’s just as messed up as Chance, and I’d like to get more insight into her head.

This title definitely took a downturn about halfway through, but overall it’s still a great take on a sweet premise.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Losers 1-6

Andy Diggle and Jock’s take on the A-Team.  A group of soldiers betrayed by the CIA try to hit back and clear their names.  I remember two things about this series:  It’s good, and this scene:

The movie this spawned is also pretty good, and they recreate this bit beautifully with a pre-Cap Chris Evans:

A nice start, I hope the rest is as good as this.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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