Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ennis Hellblazer

Hellblazer 62-71

Vertigo Jam 1

Hellblazer Special 1

Garth Ennis is so good at telling stories.  Not comic book stories, but the kind that people tell around the table at the pub or when they’re just shooting the shit chilling at someone’s house.  Sure, it’s a bit unrealistic (who actually talks that much anymore?  I call it the How I Met Your Mother impossibility, where we’re expected to believe that everyone tells their stories with such an insane level of detail), but it’s sure as heck compelling.  

Okay, not quite something they'd tell in HIMYM.

Anyway, some good stuff here: Constantine engineers the fall of the Archangel Gabriel (which I should have seen coming, but didn’t), Ennis devotes more and more space to war stories, and Kit realizes how dangerous it is to be with John.  

Her departure is remarkably similar to Tiegel’s in Ennis’ phenomenal Hitman; A strong woman’s drawn to the bad boy, and even dates him for a while, but has the smarts to leave then she realizes he’s never going to change, no matter how much they love each other.  And I do believe both couples actually love each other.  

Getting your heart broken’s the great equalizer.  Even Constantine isn’t immune.

Of course he mopes in the rain.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes (No for 62-63, 68-69, Hellblazer Special)

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good (Nice for 62-63, 68-69.  Good for Vertigo Jam)

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