Thursday, June 14, 2018

Hyperion vs Nighthawk, World of Tanks, Mage, Walk Through Hell, Thor, Skyward, Man of Steel, Magic Order

I’m so far behind on writing, let’s do something about it.
Crazy busy week for new comics!
Thor 1
Jason Aaron returns to Thor Odinson as his primary character.  He starts small, as Thor embarks on a collection quest, gathering all of the magical weapons that were scattered around the world with the destruction of Asgardia.  It’s really an emotional letdown after the epicness of Jane Foster’s storyline in the previous volume. She brought a freshness to the title that’s gone now.

But what’s really got me thinking about cutting this from my subscription list is the art by Mike Del Mundo.  I do not like his style.  After the precise, clean, detailed work of Russell Dauterman, everything here looks crude, washed out, and unpolished.  Perhaps it’s an unfair comparison, but Dauterman was so damn good.

Such a letdown...

...After having had this for so long.

There are four things that could compel me to stick around: Thori the Murder Dog and the three grandchildren of Thor.  All are wonderfully entertaining, and if Aaron gives them more prominent roles in the upcoming issues, I’ll keep reading.  

Man of Steel 3
You know how villains say, “After this day, all know the name of [BLANK] and tremble in fear!”?

This dude’s still got some work to do, because he’s trashed the Fortress of Solitude, destroyed the Bottle City of Kandor, and I still had to look his name up.  It’s Rogol Zaar. I actually had to look it up twice, because I looked it up, deleted it while editing this paragraph, and forgot it again by the time I needed to retype it.

Bendis may be failing at making his main baddie a credible threat, but he’s already nailed the Batman/Superman interaction.  

Magic Order 1
Damn, that is how you do a first issue.  Sometimes I wish Mark Millar would write longer stories, instead of these made-for-other-media high concept pieces.  But he has such a good track record with these things that it’s hard to get too upset about it. Olivier Coipel on art and Dave Stewart on colors combine to create the perfect visualization of Millar’s magical universe.  This could shape up to be the best Millarworld title yet.


Skyward 1
I love the high concept: Gravity cuts out on Earth.  It doesn’t exist any more. What happens to society?

If you forgive the huge science gaps (I’m pretty sure that if gravity is no longer connected to mass, you’re going have much bigger problems than things floating in the air), it’s a blast to see Joe Henderson’s vision of a “low-G” world.  I’m sticking around.

The importance of a great cover.  (By Jock.)  It got me to take a look.

Walk Through Hell 2
Outside of a stunning reveal, this issue is still all set up.  I’m still trusting Garth Ennis to bring it all together by the end.

He just keeps shooting...

Mage: Hero Denied 9
Two things: God, I hate idiot kids who do idiot things.  Kevin’s son is the latest example.
And second is this wonderful mix of art and sound effect to create an evocative panel.  

Hee. This brings a smile to my face.

World of Tanks: Citadel 2
The Battle of Kursk starts in earnest, and it’s a bit of a muddle.  Garth Ennis jumps between his primary German and Russian tank crews, and the constant cutting makes it difficult to keep track of the action.  It’s an issue that’ll read better as part of the complete story.

Squadron Supreme: Hyperion vs Nighthawk 1-4
Writer Marc Guggenheim is quite open in the afterward of the first issue that this miniseries that this is a platform for him to highlight the genocide in Darfur.  It’s a little preachy, but as I said in the previous post, some things are immune to overexposure. And it’s not like there was nearly enough coverage for this crisis.  

This was the Supreme universe’s version of Dark Knight Returns, where Nighthawk gets his opportunity to beat the tar out of Hyperion.  It was fine, but it didn’t have the proper build up that Frank Miller was able to give his fight.

Paul Gulacy generally does a fine job, but a couple of panels really should have been sent back by the editor.  (Is that something an editor can do?)

That smile is only okay if he's on the Joker's nerve gas.  He isn't.

NO, that is NOT just a baby.  It's had the head of a fifty year old man grafted on to it.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

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