Monday, January 3, 2022

Aaron Thor

Mighty Thor 1-5

Malekith’s war on the Light Elf realm comes to an abrupt ending in insidious fashion.  (The Enchantress forces the Light Elf queen to marry Malekith, thus unifying the Elf worlds.)

More entertaining to watch is the Asgardian civil war, as the heroes unite behind Freyja and rebel against Odin’s dickhead rule.  Thor pounds on Odin for a full issue, it’s glorious and satisfying.  (Jason Aaron really leans into the joy of hitting things with a hammer in his run.)

Doing what they do best: Talking...

...and hitting.

Heh.  Tongue on fire.

More hitting.

There are worse battle cries.

Freyja's awesome.

Such a cool idea, using Jupiter's spot.

As you can see, Russell Dauterman continues to operate at peak awesome.

I had a friend who went through chemo.  If this is what it was like...

Is this the original inspiration for...

...all of these magnificent variant covers?

Not related, just an adorable Dauterman cover.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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