Monday, January 24, 2022

Human Target

Human Target 1-4

Human Target: Final Cut

Human Target 1-6

For a writer as well known as Peter Milligan, this is the only extended run of his that I own.  His work doesn’t seem to resonate with me.  That said, this is a phenomenal series.  His Christopher Chance is totally fucked up, his mental instability and fractured sense of self demonstrated in such compelling and clever ways time and again.  (If only Moon Knight was ever written so well.)

Look at just two of the situations: Chance hires his assistant Tom to play himself (Chance).  While impersonating Chance, Tom takes a job and subsumes himself into the role of a minister, a role that the original Chance later plays as well.  The way Milligan writes the story, you never know who’s playing whom (or if it’s the actual person!) until it suits the moment, and while convoluted, it’s never confusing.  It’s entertaining as heck.  

In another, Chance fakes his death and takes the face and life of a former client (Frank).  To shake himself out of that life, a separate aspect/personality of his impersonates a killer to attack himself (Frank).  So twisted, but it makes perfect sense given his messed up identity.  The series is full of these self-examinations, as Chance ironically learns more and more about himself while pretending to be other people.  

The art is perfect, Milligan really got paired up with some excellent partners: Edvin Biukovic (RIP), Javier Pulido, and Cliff Chiang.  All favorites of mine.

Such a John Woo visual.

Atrocious, unreadable lettering.

Love that look, with the flowing cloth and hoodie.

Insightful, and sobering.

He looks exactly like Fernando Vina...

...a favorite of mine when he was on the Cardinals.

Can’t wait to read the rest of the issues over the next few days.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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