Saturday, January 29, 2022


Losers 20-32

I think this is at least the third time I’ve read through Losers.  This time through, I was about as equally entertained as the previous gos, but the difference is the revelation that I don’t like it enough to buy it again.  (Contradicting what I’ve said the last two days.)  Continuing what I mentioned yesterday, writer Andy Diggle loads the last two trades with even more “America is corrupt and capitalistic and we will make the whole world in its image” villainy, and it’s frankly exhausting, tired, and not that interesting to read about.  Plus, I’m positive the “start a sovereign nation from the pushed up land created by an earthquake in the middle of the ocean” plot was literally out of a GI Joe comic book.  Not a good sign when you’re ripping off COBRA.  

So to sum up: A fun group of characters to follow around for a while, but I would have liked it if they fought for something a little more interesting to read than “the America that I believe in.”  

Oh!  I need to mention that the art by Jock (when there wasn’t a fill-in artist), is excellent.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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