Friday, January 7, 2022

Aaron Thor, New comics

New comics!

Dark Knights of Steel 3

A setup issue - King Black Lightning secures an alliance w/ Hippolyta of Themyscira against Kingdom Krypton.  Diana flies off in a huff, unwilling to take sides against her girlfriend Zala Jor-El, who kills Black Lightning soon after.  Enjoyable, but definitely a slower issue. 

Captain Marvel 35

Yep, still not feeling it.  I don’t know who Phyla-Vell is, but I like her look with the jacket and huge ass sword.

She's the one on the left.

Black Widow 13

One long action sequence where Natasha gets the tar beaten out of her.  Rafael Pimentel does a fine job on the art, but why oh why couldn’t they have timed it for regular artist Elena Casagrande to do the honors?  This would have been phenomenal with her at the drawing table.   

Mighty Thor 13-14

The League of Realms gets back together to rescue the queen of the Light Elves.  Their success is a Pyrrhic victory, as the now-liberated Alfheim is left stripped of all its resources.  Steve Epting is a better-than-average fill-in artist, that’s for sure.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Mighty Thor 15-19

Loki sics the Shi'ar gods on Thor as a distraction, starting a war between Asgard and the Shi’ar empire.  It’s not bad, and the art is phenomenal as always.  But it’s a telling sign that I took zero notes this arc; Nothing stood out enough to warrant any.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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