Monday, January 31, 2022

Sandman Mystery Theatre

Sandman Mystery Theatre 1-16

I have my college roommate to thank for getting into this series.  On the surface, it’s very much a period procedural, following Wesley Dodds as he solves the mystery of the week.  (Or mystery of the four months, as it were.)  But this series is really about the relationship between Wesley and Dian Belmont, perhaps one of the best comic book pairings ever.  Perhaps even more accurately, this series is about the development and growth of Dian.  While Wesley will certainly be a different person seventy issues from now, it’s Dian who does the most changing.  It’s a great arc for her, and it’s going to be fun re-reading it from the start.  

Quick summary of the stories:

The Tarantula: A family matriarch and her son kill a bunch of women.  Dian meets Wesley and is intrigued.

The Face: A bunch of killings threaten to start a gang war in Chinatown.  Dian rekindles a romance with one of the gang members and starts going to Wesley for advice.

The Brute: A story about parents and their children while a rich eccentric gets into underground fighting and heroin dealing.  Dian develops an interest in helping underprivileged children.

The Vamp: An abused woman takes her revenge on a group of frat brothers.  Wesley and Dian officially like each other and do something about it.

Guy Davis draws the first and fourth arcs, and it’s amazing how perfect he is for this title.  

This title is on the cusp between Good and Pretty Good.  I wonder if it’s familiarity that’s got me rating it at Pretty Good for most of it, and whether it deserves the Good.  Merits more thought as I continue reading.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good.  Pretty good for 5-16

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