Friday, January 14, 2022

Unstoppable Wasp, New comics

New comics!

Magic Order 2 3

The standard “things have to get shitty before they get better” portion of the series.  The good guys are getting their asses kicked, compounded by the fact that one of them (I don’t recognize him) gets high on heroin and friendly fires a comrade in the middle of a fight.  Entertaining enough to continue, but not as memorable as the first series.

Dark Ages 4

This follows the main Tom Taylor Elseworlds tic - prominent character dies because Elseworlds.  As usual, he makes it work.  Artist Iban Coello has a Mark Bagley vibe going on.  It doesn’t suck, but it’s also not as refined as what I’d like for a massively epic tale like this.  Still fun.

Unstoppable Wasp 1-8

This is so so good, as good as I remember.  Jeremy Whitley writes this from a place of such innocence, joy, and love that it’s impossible to not get swept away in it, just like Janet, Bobbi, and anyone else Nadia comes into contact with.  So much to love here, but calling out GIRL:

I love that Whitley is making it a point to push girls in STEM disciplines.  I hope that this inspires tons of kids and helps to balance out these completely skewed fields.

The recruiting of the girls of GIRL and the saving of Ying is great, but the true highlight of these issues come in the last two issues, when Janet Van Dyne does her thing and basically fairy godmothers Nadia and her friends.  It’s completely heartwarming and had me tearing up at the end with parental happiness.  

I’m thrilled this got a follow up series.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good to Pure Joy by the end

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