Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ennis Hellblazer

Hellblazer 57-61

Two arcs here.  In the first Constantine and Chas investigate this guy who shoots up dead bodies, disrupting their souls, yadda yadda.  It’s not bad, the highlight is Steve Dillon back on art.  No one does self-important smiles like that guy.

Just a glance and you want to smack him.

The next one is the biggie: Not only does Garth Ennis tie himself into knots trying to explain the difference between the First of the Fallen and Sandman’s Lucifer, but this might very well be the origin of Genesis from Preacher.  Either that or he completely rips himself off.  Whatever the case may be, the meta is a lot more interesting than the actual story.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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