Sunday, July 4, 2021

Batman: White Knight, New comics

New comics!

Black Cat Annual 1

Black Cat’s enlisted to help Tiger Division, the South Korean Avengers.  It’s a perfectly fine action comic.

Beta Ray Bill 4

Daniel Warren Johnson is clearly setting up a romance between Bill and Skuttlebutt.  But first Bill must learn to love himself.  Works for me!  Johnson’s art is in that ugly Paul Pope region, but it totally works here.  His Bill is powerful and awesome.

Black Widow 8

Elena Casagrande continues to stun with her splash pages.  Kelly Thompson continues to tug at my heartstrings with Natasha’s memories of her son Stevie.

Batman: White Knight

I’m going through this again in preparation for my Curse of the White Knight re-read.  

My original review.  I felt so strongly about it that I gave it a rating on my first go-through.  Turns out I was spot on, and this came really close to Pure Joy today.  Not quite, but oh so close.  

Something about Sean Murphy’s art: He has this ability to arrest me with a beautiful image, but then I look down the page and realize that there’s more to the picture than I was capable of initially processing, blowing me away a second time with the same art.  He caught me like that twice today:

I can't explain why I love that finger placement on the table.

Stunning dress, and then I see the leg...

Other things that stood out:

Love Harley's posture on the table.

Nice Yorick moment.

Duke totally looks like Bishop with that jacket.

Great reveal from this page... this.  Batman 90 Batmobile!

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