Friday, October 12, 2018

Batman: White Knight, Elric, Amazing Spider-Man, Moth and Whisper, Superman

New comics!  I didn’t get the new Catwoman.  I flipped through it in the store, and felt zero enthusiasm towards reading it.  Joelle Jones lured me in with her gorgeous art, but couldn’t get me to stay with the story.  

Amazing Spider-Man 6
I bought this after the iFanboy podcast selected it as their Pick of the Week.  The premise sounded fun - Boomerang, now Peter’s roommate, drags him to a supervillain trivia night, where the topic is Spider-Man.  With his secret identity unknown to all, Peter cleans house with a perfect score, earning the praise and cheers of his rogues gallery.  It certainly is amusing, and Humberto Ramos does his usual great work, but it comes in third out of the three titles I bought this week.  Certainly not Pick of the Week caliber.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Moth and Whisper 2
The second issue continues to build on the promise of the first.  Niki embarks on a infiltration mission, putting the technology of the era on display to the readers, as well as his sharp mind.  Lots of fun.

I’m also a fan of the facility with which Niki switches between male and female disguises.  He’s equally capable performing as either, and there’s something cool about that. When I thought about it some more, I realized that Niki’s gender is actually unclear to me.  The way they’re drawn reads as male to me, but there’s enough ambiguity that I could be mistaken. I like that.

Superman 4
The things that make Superman super shine through in this issue, and it’s those splashes of personality that elevate this over the previous three.  Clark’s flashback conversation with Jon is sublime. It’s a mix of so many wonderful things. Clark engages in some strong, positive parenting, clearly teaching the lessons he learned from his Pa.  It’s a sweet passing along of values across generations.

Bendis continues to build on Superman’s bromance with Batman.  He’s really leaning into it both here and in Action Comics, and it’s still the best part of his run so far.  Jon notices it too. “So, you like Batman the way you like mom?”

Elric: The Vanishing Tower 1-6
This is entirely a nostalgia buy.  I’ll talk about it more when I do my reread.  It is unapologetically old-school fantasy, and feels like a D&D campaign I would have run as a middle schooler.  It jumps from set piece to set piece, with the barest hint of connecting narrative tissue. Still, it’s fun in its outlandishness, and I dig it.  

Batman: White Knight 1-8
This was SO GOOD.  Sean Murphy knocked this one out of the park.  Things I liked:

Flipping Joker into becoming the actual hero.  Yet not. He does all the right things, and seeing him as a legit good guy is mind trippy and awesome.

Two Harleys!  A neat way of reconciling the original Dini Harley with the Margot Robbie version.  Setting Harleen up as the mastermind (and a force for good) is inspired.

Accentuating the negative aspect of Batman’s war on crime.  Focusing on the property damage, injured bystanders, and miscellaneous fallout really brings out the psycho in Batman.  Coupled with his manic anger, everything combines to create a thoroughly believable situation where he’s at odds with the GCPD, his teammates, and the entire city.

Murphy’s art.  

All the best Freeze art involves him pining in front of Nora.

So many Batmobiles, so much detail.

I may review this again on re-read, but I’m feeling pretty solid about my ratings.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Really good

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