Thursday, July 29, 2021

Astro City

Astro City 37-42

Another decent batch of comics!  It’s not a good sign for this series when I’m pleasantly surprised that I had a good time.

Issue 37-38: Mister Cakewalk and Jazzbaby dance onto the scene.  I like the character designs a lot more than the stories themselves.

Issue 39-40: I was not excited when I saw that Kurt Busiek was returning to Marta, the Shadow Hill resident from issue four of the original series.  So it was awesome to read the best arc since the Quarrel/Crackerjack story.  Marta’s called upon to apply her lawyer contract expertise to the magical world, and it’s lots of fun to read.  

Heh.  This would have been useful for my grandma.

Sounds just like a Chinese mom :)

Issue 41: The Astro-Naut, the hero from whom Astro City got its name.  Mostly notable for the random appearance of the Broken Man, once again breaking the fourth wall.  I haven’t been a fan of him so far, but this cameo was successfully creepy.

It's the silence and abruptness that sells it.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice, Pretty good for 39-40

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