Tuesday, July 13, 2021

American Way

American Way 1-8

This is at least the third time I’ve read this series.  Each time, it’s better than I remember (and I remember it being pretty good).  There’s a Kingdom Come vibe to this, a superhero team torn apart philosophically until nuclear weapons bring an abrupt end to the conflict.  In this case, the philosophy is civil rights, and one side is completely racist.  

John Ridley writes an engrossing, well-paced story, and Georges Jeanty...does better here when the characters don’t have to look like real people.  (His Buffy run is epically unfortunate.)  

Brutal last line.

I did not see that coming, this is where the comic leveled up.

Also didn't see this coming an issue later...

Some really wonderful work here.  I was less impressed with the sequel when it first came out, we’ll see how it reads all at once the second time around tomorrow.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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