Monday, July 26, 2021

Astro City, New comics

New comics!

Shadecraft 5

End of the series (for now).  That ended way faster than I thought, I assumed this was 12 issues for some reason.  Everything gets tied up rather neatly, I’d rate it as Nice if this were a re-read.  Not nearly as good as Skyward, but maybe it’ll be better the second time around.  (Which will be surprisingly soon; I’m getting to the box after this one.)

Many Deaths of Laila Starr 4

This is really good, and unlike anything else that I’ve ever read.  Ram V’s story and Filipe Andrade’s art combine into this amazing series that feels like a mix of Death: High Cost of Living and Daytripper, I think.  Only uniquely its own.  I think it ends next month, very curious to see how it turns out.

Nightwing 82

So Dick Grayson has a retconned half sister that I’m totally cool with.  Tom Taylor does an impressive job of pulling off the Melinda Zucco connection in a way that doesn’t piss me off.  Told almost completely in flashback, the main story continues next issue.

Astro City 18-21

A nice stretch (for Astro City) of eight issues with no clunkers!

One of the better arcs in this whole series; Hawkeye/Mockingbird analogues Crackerjack and Quarrel are rapidly approaching retirement age, and struggle with the pending life change in different ways.  Kurt Busiek tells a great origin story with some wonderful narration from Quarrel.  He doesn’t do much to redeem Crackerjack’s annoying egotism, but he at least makes his motivations understandable.  Plus, some of Alex Ross’ best covers for Astro City.

Love the joy on her face and the angle of the shot.

Profound grief, masterfully depicted.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Astro City 22-25

Issue 22: In stark contrast to the Quarrel arc, here’s a calm, satisfying tale about a hero who recognizes when his time in the line of fire is over.  It’s surprisingly serene and peaceful, and it totally works.

Issue 23-24: A talking gorilla who just wants to play drums in a band.  His dilemma is amusing (his rehearsals are always interrupted by villains who want to use his gorilla-ness for evil) and his solution is sublime (form a rock band comprised of superheroes so that no one will mess with them).  

Issue 25: The origin story for Hummingbird.  Not too bad.  It’s fun reading about someone who has all the women of the Honor Guard as aunties.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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