Monday, July 5, 2021

Batman: Curse of the White Knight, New comics

New comics!

Captain Marvel 6-11

Finishing off my backlog of the Kelly Thompson run.  The Dr Strange/Captain Marvel body swap is hilarious.  This history with Stephen and the Enchantress gives the current arc a lot more context, which is cool.  

The Star arc is less entertaining.  What a generic villain to give an Infinity Stone to.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight 1-8

Having forgotten most of the original series when this first came out, my reviews focused on the art and not the story; I lacked the context, and the monthly format made following the plot of the sequel not the easiest of tasks.  

This time around, I can say that the plot is this: Joker uncovers the long lost secret that Bruce Wayne is not actually a Wayne.  Jean Paul Valley (Azrael) is the actual descendent of Edmund Wayne from the 1600s.  Commissioner Gordon gets stabbed through the chest.  A lot of fighting ensues.  Bruce and Harley are becoming a thing.  Batman reveals his identity and turns himself into the GCPD.  Jason Todd returns on the last page to set up a part three to this saga.  Looking online, it appears that Murphy will start work on that after he finishes his Kickstarter.  (Which I’ve funded.)  

Murphy’s art is better than in the original series.  (Just barely.  The guy’s amazing).  The story’s just barely less entertaining.  (It’s a little more sprawling in nature.)  A worthy part two, but not quite up to the level of White Knight.

That coat hanger line is harsh, and perfect Joker.


This has to be a homage to Azbat's first appearance... Batman 500 by Mike Manley.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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