Saturday, July 24, 2021

Astro City

Astro City 6-11

For such a seemingly positive title, Kurt Busiek sure spends a lot of time on losers, lowlifes, and a populace that’s quick to distrust the heroes.  I think that’s why so many of these issues are an emotional drag.  Take a look at what I’ve read today:

Issue six - A mob flunkie tries to take advantage of a naive Galactus-type cosmic character.  Blech.

Issues seven through ten - The public turns on Winged Victory when she’s framed by one of her enemies.  Sadly still relevant today, magnified for me by the sexual harassment lawsuit against Activision/Blizzard that was announce a few days ago.  People suck.

Issue eleven - The only issue where the protagonist is not only a good person, but good at her job as well.  (Similar to issue four yesterday.)  This story about “Dr Strange’s” personal assistant isn’t bad, but it’s actually weaker than the previous Winged Victory story.

Overall, nothing that gets me excited to keep reading.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Didn’t suck through Nice

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