Sunday, July 25, 2021

Astro City

Astro City 12-17

All over the place again, and the weaker issues have the same problems as the ones yesterday:

Issue twelve: The Gentleman Bandit is the requisite weak-willed criminal of Kurt Busiek’s Astro City.  Luckily, his gimmick is cool enough that I still had a lot of fun with this issue.  The Bandit is a clotheshorse, and it’s his addiction to fine apparel that keeps drawing him back to a life of thievery.  Love it.  

Issue thirteen: I haven’t talked at all about artist Brent Anderson yet, which is pretty wrong as he’s been Busiek’s partner since the very beginning.  He’s not a bad artist by any means, but he’s never going to be the reason why I buy a comic book.  

Just when I was thinking that very thought though, I turn the page to see this:

He can bring it every once in a while, but I’m still not searching him out when I’m looking to buy something.

Issues fourteen and fifteen: Fuuuuck.  A naive main character and her asshole loser nephew.  Hate hate hate.

Issue sixteen: A good enough story about a teenage Lex Luthor who discovers her own true identity as she learns about that of her archnemesis.  Not at all where I thought the story was going at the beginning, a neat outing by Busiek.

Issue seventeen: Completely forgettable.  Something about a bad guy in the quantum realm who grows large enough to be a threat in the human-sized world.  Blech.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes for 12, 13, 16.  No for the others.

Would read again: Yes.  No for 17.

Rating: Boring (17), Didn’t Suck (14-15), Nice (12-13), Pretty good (16)

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