Thursday, July 15, 2021

Arrowsmith, New comics

New comics!

Batman: The Detective 4

Things are starting to happen as the bad guys make their move and Batman begins his counteroffensive.  Super cute moment from Alfred:

DIE 18

There’s such a dreamlike quality to this book.  I’m not sure if I like this book, but I’m always intrigued by it.  

Seven Secrets 10

There’s no doubt that this will read better all at once.  The art by Daniele Di Nicuolo is always great to look at, though.

Rorschach 10

Tom King reveals the conspiracy here, still somehow making this totally engaging as a standalone issue if you’ve forgotten most of what happened before.  This is really good.

Arrowsmith 1-6

Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco tell a story of World War I but with magic.  There are plenty of cliches, including letters home from the country hick who enlisted with dreams of glory.  But the art is peak Pacheco and the elements of sorcery keep it fresh enough to stay engaging throughout.  The promised sequels never happened, and I’m not sure if I would buy them at this point.  Maybe for the Pacheco art.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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