Saturday, July 10, 2021

Dark Knight Returns and sequels

Batman: Dark Knight Returns 1-4

I mean, it’s Dark Knight Returns.  It’s at the top of every list in the world for a reason.  I’ll show some of my personal favorites here and leave it at that.

Love snarky Alfred.

Again, was Miller the first to write him this way?

The third Alfred death I've read in the last week.  No one deserves it less.

Also, was Miller the first to use the pearl imagery?

The pacing on this page is perfection.

How to tell a full tragedy in one page.

Miller is so good.

Was Sarah Essen originally an off-screen throwaway character?

SO good.

With one word, a perfect encapsulation of their relationship.

A rare moment of sentiment.

Classic line.

Peak boy scout.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade 1

I remember this being billed as the story of Robin’s death in the DKR timeline.  Instead, Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello give us everything leading up to it.  Which is false advertising in my book, but they do a pretty good job of it, so I don’t really mind.  John Romita Jr does a nice job with the art.  (It hadn’t really occurred to me until now how much they’ve worked together over the years.)

Great alt cover by Bill Sienkiewicz.

This reminds me of...

Maybe I'm a sicko, but I want to see what happens next...

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Dark Knight Strikes Again 1-3

This is the worst thing by Frank Miller that I own.  It transcends horrible and loops all the way back around to readable, perfect for the rare Trainwreck Bad rating.  It’s a disjointed mishmash of storylines, really cares nothing about the original series (a ton of continuity errors), and “showcases” some truly ugly art by one of the all-time greats.  More than anything, this really feels like Miller saying “fuck you” to everyone who’s ever pestered him to make a sequel.  It’s not just bad, it’s a parody of everything that’s bad in comics.

I’m not even mad at him.  I’d rather have something this bad than something boring.  I’m keeping it, aren’t I?

Barry's right, those shorts are hideous.

Bionic arm, internet...We're supposed to believe this happens 3 years after DKR?


I mean, compare this to a similar fight 15 years ago...



And all of a sudden he's gleefully okay with killing?

Don't get me started about this tacked-on Robin nonsense.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Trainwreck bad

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