Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel 8-21

Empyre 2

I’m enjoying myself a bit more today, a majority of the arcs have a little more to recommend themselves.

Star: Ripley Ryan, the barely-noticed reporter from the first arc, becomes a supervillain for very sketchy reasons.  She’s as boring here as she is in her future Black Cat appearance.  Why Marvel editorial thought giving her an Infinity Stone would make her more interesting is beyond me.  

I still don't know how one physically shoves one's hand into one's chest.  Twice.  And survives.

Last Avenger: Carol’s forced to fight each of the Avengers.  This was my initial foray into this title, driven entirely by Lee Garbett’s art

That's three "hee"s on the same page.

This scene is still one of my favorite Captain America sequences ever.  It says everything you need to know about Steve Rogers.

The Nexus: Kelly Thompson does really nice in-between-arcs breather issues.  This is one of the few exceptions.  (Carol and her pals do an escape room run by a would-be villain.)

Accused: An “Empyre” tie-in arc.  (Something about the Kree and Skrulls teaming up under Hulking’s rule to fight a plant-based race.)  Carol wields Ronan the Accuser’s hammer.  She also meets her half-sister Lauri-Ell.  (The first, but oddly not only, formal-talking fish-out-of-water character to join the supporting cast.)  Thompson writes some nice comedic bits here, and adding some emotional layers to the story give it some nice stakes.  (The actual Empyre issue is trash.)

The team looks great in teal.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes (No for 8-11, 17, Empyre)

Would read again: Yes (No for Empyre)

Rating: Pretty good (Fine for 8-11, 17; Disliked for Empyre)

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