Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Saga 37-54

This hardcover collection has been sitting on my to-read pile for three years.  Despite the Really Good rating for every issue up to this point, I’ve found myself reluctant to tackle this eighteen-issue beast.  Part of it’s because I don’t remember anything that happened before this.  Part of it’s because as good as it was, I’ve never had the desire to revisit it, which I figure says something about my feelings for the series.  But my list of remaining comics rapidly dwindling, it was time to get down to it.

It was surprisingly easy to jump back into things.  All the characters and relationships quickly fell into place.  But as good as everything still is (Brian K Vaughan is a master of the cliffhanger, and Fiona Staples’ art is truly gorgeous), I’ve noticed something that I can’t unsee: This is a comic that isn’t a story so much as a connected series of clever phrases and touching scenes designed to tug at the heartstrings.  Which isn’t a bad formula, it just somehow made everything a little less poignant once I saw the machinery behind it.





Love the message, but it's too on the nose.

Nothing meaner than an unthinking kid.

Vaughan and Staples only recently returned from their latest hiatus, and are only up to issue 60.  It’s going to be a while until the next hardcover comes out.  See you in another two years, Saga

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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