Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Preacher is so good.  I read it for two and a half hours today, and would have kept going if it wasn’t so late and I needed to write this.

Preacher: Saint of Killers 1-4

The origin of the Saint of Killers.  It’s very much a western, and the Hell angle is really well done.  There’s an extra touch of tragedy with the classic “reformed killer pulled back into the life he left behind” trope.  

He totally reminds me of Sabretooth.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Preacher: Story of You-Know-Who 1

The origin of Arseface.  Completely unnecessary, it adds absolutely nothing to a backstory that needs no elaboration.  (Arseface is definitely one of the weak links in Preacher.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Disliked

Preacher: Good Old Boys 1

It’s impressive that Garth Ennis is able to take two reprehensible characters and make them protagonists that I enjoy rooting for.  This issue is a master class on how to do over the top without toppling into stupid. 

Is it wrong to laugh at a bestiality joke?

Yep, over the top.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Preacher: Cassidy: Blood and Whiskey 1

Sets up the gang’s encounter with Les Enfants Du Sang in the main title.  It’s not bad, but is neither entertaining or important enough to be worthy of further comment.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Preacher 18-33

Issue 18: Ennis’ Punisher Vietnam stories are some of the best ever written.  But I think his Preacher Vietnam tales are even better.  Frank’s missions are studies in cold, efficient soldiering.  And while they’re gripping, excellent stories, they lack the humanity and heart that Ennis infuses into the remembrances of John Custer.  

What a quote.

Issues 19-24: Jesse rescues Cassidy from the clutches of Starr.  The Messiah and Allfather make their short lived appearances.  Starr executes his coup.  The Saint kills many, many people.  Tulip gets left behind.  It’s all gloriously fun.

So wrong, so good.

I think this is the first time Ennis uses this.

It'll show up multiple times.

I'd love to see some actor tackle this monologue.

Issues 25-26: Cassidy’s origin story and another of Ennis’ interminable Ireland lectures.  Given what Cassidy shows himself to be later on in the series, it’s really hard for me to care about him.  

Issues 27-33: The voodoo issues.  Cassidy makes a number of moves on Tulip and shows himself to be a weak-willed, backstabbing asshole.  Arseface begins his journey to superstardom.  Jesse learns the events of Saint of Killers.  It doesn’t sound like seven issues worth of material, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself and can’t wait for “War in the Sun” (and more) tomorrow.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy (18); Really good (19-24); Boring (25-26); Good (27-33)

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