Saturday, November 5, 2022

Punisher, New comics

New comics!

Catwoman: Lonely City 4

Back after a 6-month hiatus, the final issue of this up-until-now excellent series is a bit of a letdown.  Everything devolves into a big fight scene, not really what I was looking for out of this amazing work from Cliff Chiang.  Maybe it’ll be better on the reread.  I hope that it is.

Marvel Knights: Double Shot 1

I never remember the second story in this anthology (it’s something to do with Kingpin’s laundry and underwear.  Seriously.).  It’s the first one that’s unforgettable, a mobster’s dentist appointment with the Punisher.  It’s inspired, wince-inducing work by Garth Ennis and Joe Quesada.

So gross.  So well done.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Marvel Mangaverse: Punisher

Yeah, I don’t know why I got this.  This Punisher, as reimagined by Peter David…tickles and spanks for justice (actual quote from the issue).  This could actually be hilarious, but not even David (usually one of the funniest writers out there) can make this work.  

Regret buying: Yes

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Stupid (Cutting)

Punisher v5 1-12

I divide Garth Ennis’ time on Punisher between his “serious” run (volume 7) and his “silly” run (everything before that, starting with these issues).  By silly, I mean that everything is way over the top - The violence, the personalities, the humor.  It may not be quite as good as the serious stuff, but it’s still damn entertaining.  I mean, Spacker Dave!  Polar bears!  The Russian!

If you can't tell, I love Spacker Dave.

Bear punch!

Quick aside, that reminds me of this Magic card...

...which has an alternate timeline version...

...and a REALLY alternate timeline version...

...culminating in this epic suplex.

Back to the main story.

A callback, of course, to this scene...

A question that applies to many situations.

The Vigilante Squad is pretty much a waste of time, but not offensively so.  Soap is hit or miss, but he’s ultimately a net positive, I think.

But through thick and thin, I had fun the whole time, and couldn’t stop until I finished the whole arc.  I honestly don’t remember much about the rest of the silly run, just that it isn’t as good.  I haven’t reread it that many times, if at all.  Still looking forward to it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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