Wednesday, November 30, 2022


For everything today:

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Preacher: One Man’s War 1

Starr’s origin story.  This is most excellent.  This is Starr before he degenerates into a parody of a villain.  (Which I’m not against, it’s an excellent evolution.  Or de-evolution, as the case may be, losing body part after body part…)  He’s cold, brutal, and effective.  It’s a lot of fun to read.

Only the third time in the series, way fewer than I remember.

Peter Snejbjerg draws the Messiah's face perfectly.  I love it.

Bendis would be proud.

Rating: Really good

Preacher: Tall in the Saddle 1

A slight, but fun, adventure for a young Jesse, Tulip, and Amy.


Good for them...

...but like he says, you'd have to be a monk to not do a little speculation.

Rating: Pretty good

Preacher 34-40

War in the Sun.  Confrontation in Monument Valley.  The Saint of Killers kicks the crap out of a bunch of tanks and survives a nuclear blast.  Jesse falls out of a plane, a real turning point in the series.

Jesse's really good at the compliments.

Though he doesn't reserve them just for Tulip.

Dunno why, but I love this simple shot of a stealth bomber.

Best retort ever.

This is a variation on Adrian Mitchell's poem "Goodbye."  It's beautiful.

So absurd, but the eventual payoff is still hilarious.

From scary villain to comic relief, Starr's great from start to finish.

Rating: Really good

Preacher 41-48

Salvation.  This is my favorite arc in Preacher, which is funny because it’s the most laid back story in the run.  Jesse’s never really in any danger, kicks ass, reunites with his mom, and recharges for the next stage of his quest.  I love it.

Hahaha, love the punchline.

Lovely response to the Klan.

Love this running joke.

Billy's got a legitimate gripe.

This line lives rent free in my head.

Rating: Pure joy

Preacher 49

Jesse discovers how he survived falling out of a plane.  Meh, compared to the rest of the series.

Rating: Pretty good

Preacher 50

Jesse learns how his dad got the Medal of Honor.  Another excellent Vietnam War story.

Rating: Pretty good

Preacher 51-52

This first issue of this mini arc, showing highlights of Tulip’s relationship with her dad, is one of my favorite single-issue comic books ever.  It’s such a sweet, heartwarming tale that makes me smile every time.  It’s practically perfect.

Dads and daughters.  So perfect.

Rating: Pure joy (Good for 52)

Preacher 53

Jesse drives to New York City and picks up a few hitchhikers along the way.  A total filler issue that adds very little.

Rating: Fine

Preacher 54

Jesse and Tulip finally reunite, and it’s lovely. 

Amy gets a little character development, I really wish Garth Ennis did more with her, or at least gave her a happier ending.

So much longing in that line.

Rating: Really good

Preacher 55-58

Jesse learns more about Cassidy’s past and his history of assholery.  Starr loses his penis, and is primarily here for laughs at this point.

Good for Johnny Lee Wombat!

Rating: Good

Preacher 59-66

Everything gets wrapped up nice and neat.  I love this series.  Always have, always will.  It’s stunning how many Ennis-penned series are in my top tier: Preacher, Hitman, Punisher.  (I still have to figure out that list.)  Given the number of various titles, he may very well be my favorite comic book writer.  He’s brought so much joy to me over the years, I’m very grateful to him.

Rating: Really good

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