Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Fine Print, Pedro and Me, Road Trip

Fine Print 1

My Stjepan Sejic reviews are all starting to sound the same.  Reading it the second time around, Fine Print is definitely not as good as Sunstone; There are a few too many supporting characters, and they’re mostly cupids and succubi engaging in machinations that I don’t find that interesting.  

Then there’s the main character, Lauren.  An ugly duckling who became a supermodel who made one fateful bad decision that led to her currently crushed spirit, her behavior, while understandable, is not conducive towards making her a sympathetic character.  Which isn’t always a deal breaker in a top notch story, but Sejic doesn’t quite get there in making her someone whose success I’m invested in.  I’m not even dying to know what happens next, which would be a deal breaker if Sejic wasn’t an artist of the highest caliber.  At this point, I’ll pretty much buy anything that he draws and writes.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Pedro and Me

I think this is what put Judd Winick on the map for me.  I was living in Asia when his season of Real World came out, so I was only vaguely familiar with Pedro’s story when I read this for the first time.  It’s such a personal work, and so well done that it’s impossible to give it anything but my highest rating.  Winick has, of course, gone on to do even better things, but nothing will ever be as heartfelt.

That face cracks me up every time.

Don't know why this amuses me so much.

So.  Sweet.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

Road Trip

As Winick explains in the afterword, this is a reprint of his first published comic work.  The craft is rough around the edges, but it’s got the heart, sense of humor, and strong writing that will go on to mark all of his future work.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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