Friday, August 19, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man 111-120

Mark Bagley ends his epic run with issue 111, the one where Peter and May finally talked about him being Spider-Man (great issue, by the way).  It’s strange; after all of this time, I still don’t know if I’d call Bagley a great artist.  (There are times where his faces are way off.)  But there’s no doubt that he’s perfect for this series.  


Thanks for a historic, epic run, Mark!

Stuart Immonen is a more than worthy successor.  My love for him is well-documented, and I’d forgotten he spent time on this series.  He joins just in time for Norman Osborn to make another return.  He’s seriously the Purple Man of Ultimate Spider-Man; he keeps coming back, and it’s like Bendis can’t tell a story without him.  I’m getting really tired of him, especially since he creates the same feeling of helplessness.  Though there’s something to be said for the realism; In most comic stories, villains can disappear for years at a time.  In actuality, an archnemesis who hates you would be relentless.  That kind of animosity won’t end until one of them is dead.  At least this time, something lasting happens, with the death of Harry.  Things don’t just return to status quo.

Heh.  Nuny-noonooliner.

The “Liz Allen is a mutantphobe” runner that’s been going for over 100 issues finally pays off.  Turns out she’s the Blob’s daughter, and the Firestar of this universe.  It’s a cute little three-issue arc that really shows off Bendis’ strengths.  He does earnest speechifying really well.  And Kenny finally gets to shine!

Hidden depths.

Go Kenny!


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good (Good for 112-117)

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