Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man, New comics

New comics!

Nightwing 95

Major things happening as Nightwing and his superhero friends take on Blockbuster, who retaliates by destroying a chunk of Bludhaven and discovering Dick’s secret identity.  Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo continue to put out excellent product.

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods 1

Apparently the final arc in Taylor’s epic.  Superman comes back and the zombified New Gods are set up as the big bads of the story.

Spider-Man 1-11

Miles Morales’ new life in the 616 begins with confrontations against the Black Cat, who’s apparently the current Kingpin of NYC, and his tyrannical grandmother.  Only one is diabolical enough to confiscate his phone.

After being an asshat in the Ultimate universe, Jefferson became cools dad awfully quick.

As amazing as this series is, 200+ issues is still
a lot to read all in a row.  I was experiencing a sense of “sigh, time to read more of this” today, never what you want going into a session.  But as he has throughout his run, Brian Michael Bendis immediately pulled me back into this engaging world, and I was all aboard with the first page.

I'm Asian and skinny.  So that means...what exactly?

Goldballs is back and rooming with them!

Great drawing of Nova's face by Nico Leon.

I will never get sick of a well-done Bendis conversation.  They’re rife with humor, character growth, and crackling interactions.

Representation matters.

Then there’s a bunch of Civil War II tie-in stuff, which really works as Bendis wrote both.

By the way, that vague pre-read tedium and the fact that as good as it is, Ultimate Spider-Man doesn’t scream out “re-read me NOW!” is the reason this doesn’t hit Really Good levels.  But make no mistake about how much I love this series.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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