Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, New comics

New comic!

Superman: Space Age 1

A miniseries by Mark Russell and Michael Allred.  I bought this off of an iFanboy recommendation.  I wish I hadn’t bothered.  This is basically Russell doing his version of New Frontier, only it’s not as well written or well drawn.  I’ll be passing on the rest.  I did like this bit, talking about the important role that hobbies play in one’s life:

I don't think John Lewis really said this, but it's a nice sentiment.

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 9-16

Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special 1

Brian Michael Bendis can dress it up however he likes, but most of these issues are text dump origin stories for Ultimate characters, none of which deviate from the 616 versions very much.  The artists are the only things keeping this title from getting cut:

Issue 9: Jim Mahfood does the Fantastic Four.

Issue 10: John Totleben does Man-Thing. 

Issue 11: Chynna Clugston-Major does the X-Men.

Issues 12-13: Ted McKeever does Doctor Strange.

Issue 14: Terry Moore does Black Widow

Issues 15-16: Rick Mays does Shang-Chi

Super Special: Jam session.

The Shang-Chi issues totally stand out.  Mays draws teenagers really well, and I would have loved to see more of his take on Peter and MJ.  A Shang-Chi series would have been welcome as well.

Bendis indicates in the last issue that this series was canceled prematurely, and that he had a lot more stories to tell.  I’m kind of glad it ended when it did.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine  (Nice for the Super Special, Pretty good for 15-16.)

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