Friday, August 12, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man 1-14

And here we go.  Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley’s 250-issue magnum opus.  I’ve read the beginning of this many, many times, but I probably haven’t ever revisited the second half of it.  I’m expecting great things.

Peter Parker’s origin story is well done, but doesn’t reach the highest heights.  Perhaps because it can’t veer too far from the story that everyone so, so familiar with.  

There’s so much classic Bendis here - the banter, the repeating panels, the humor. 

And it’s all on display with the superlative issue 13, where Peter tells MJ everything, culminating in a perfect recapitulation of one of the most famous lines in all of comic book-dom.


Bendis nails this relationship, it makes me so happy. 

But it also makes me extraordinarily sad to know that there’s no happily ever after for these two, that Peter’s going to die far too soon.  (I’m ignoring his brief resurrection at the end of it all.  Bendis doesn’t give us enough of it to count.)

It won't last :(

I’m expecting these 250+ issues to fly right by.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (Pure joy for 13)

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