Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate End

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man 200

Even more Peter Parker catharsis as his friends and family gather on the two-year anniversary of his death.  I’m so glad that Brian Michael Bendis hasn’t forgotten about the Parker legacy as he moves on with Miles’ story.  This has been the heart of the series.


Bendis did a great job w/ JJJ this whole series.

Poor, poor Kitty.

!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!

By the way, there’s been a whole running gag with the For Sale sign in front of May Parker’s house.  I wish I’d been keeping track of it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man 1-7

How did I forget that Bendis brought Peter Parker back to life?  I think the deal with the Oz formula is that it basically makes him (and Norman Osborn) immortal?  I’m like Miles, I really thought this was a clone or something.  This Peter just acted…not like the one I remember.  Who would have thought, Peter's death made for a better story than his return. Careful what you wish for and all that. But hey, at least he and MJ get to drive off into the sunset…Just in time for the whole Ultimate universe to be destroyed.

Poor JJJ.

So satisfying.

I expected this to be more emotionally affecting for me.  Still not bad, though.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man 8-12

Miles’ dad returns after abandoning his son in a truly epic parenting fail.  He reveals his backstory and the fact that he was an undercover SHIELD agent.  

At least he owns up to it.

Great Kingpin by David Marquez.

I'm positive I've seen this exact pose in a Jim Lee drawing...

...I thought it was of Rogue, but this is the closest I could find.

Then, ignoring all of his friends, Miles does the first really stupid thing in his superhero career and tells his girlfriend, Katie Bishop, his secret identity.  Katie, of course, tells her sister.  Who tells her parents.  Who are Hydra agents.  Everything goes as expected from there - Miles gets kidnapped, Hydra turns out to be working with Doctor Doom (somehow alive despite getting his skull crushed by Ben Grimm in Ultimatum), Miles fights his way out with his friends, and the world as they know it is about to end.

Should have listened.

Should have listened.  Also, love the Miles/Ganke relationship.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Ultimate End 1-5

A disappointing ending to what was a magnificent experiment.  All of the other Ultimate titles eventually tailed off in quality, but it was truly glorious for a while.  And of course there’s the stellar run that’s been Ultimate Spider-Man.  Maybe the Secret Wars event this is a tie-in for is better.  (I’ve placed a hold for it at the library.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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