Friday, August 19, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man 97-105

“The Clone Saga.”  There’s so much baggage with that phrase.  It’s a testament to Brian Michael Bendis that he’s able to turn it around and make this one of the strongest Ultimate Spider-Man arcs ever.  

Jessica Drew as a female clone of Peter Parker is such a great idea.  I love it.  Bendis shakes things up in so many other ways as well - May finds out about Peter, Carnage comes back as a copy of Gwen Stacy, Richard Parker comes back (but not really), and Doc Ock turns out to be telekinetic.  

Peter should totally be broken at the end of this.  But he holds it together and also gets back together with MJ.  (Poor Kitty!)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Ultimate Spider-Man Annual 2

Ultimate Spider-Man 106-110

More stuff with the Ultimate Defenders (or Knights or Warriors or whatever Bendis is calling them).  After completely botching things for five issues, they get lucky and force Kingpin to flee the country with a comatose Vanessa.  It’s surprising how badly Bendis whiffs with these characters, considering how well he handles Daredevil, Moon Knight, etc in the 616 universe.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice (Fine for the Annual)

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